✦ Starting your adventure in Solisium ✦
Syleus turned the ancient underground tomb into his own lab, now known as Syleus's Abyss. The labyrinthian halls teemed with immortals and monsters, so Syleus created a follower, Heliber, to guard the lab. Ever the loyal servant, Heliber faithfully guides his master through the lab and leads unwelcome visitors to their deaths.
According to the ancient texts, Belluatan looked across the plains one day and spotted a lion. Seeing something of himself in the creature, he embedded within it a fragment of the Star of Sylaveth. The Order's avaricious, chaotic influence warped the lion's appearance over time, twisting its form into that of the hideous beast now known as King Chimaerus.
Wizard Skultus of the Sylavean Order bestowed the gift of a Star Fragment upon the queen ant Lacune to bolster her abilities. She grew in size as well as power, and her chitin took on a shimmering golden hue. Seeing this, Skultus whispered a promise, or perhaps a prophecy: "You are destined to rule the underground." It wasn't long before it came to pass, and Lacune now lords over the underworld from a clandestine throne- a secret space she used her magic to create for herself.
✦ Further exploration (level 50) ✦
The Arkeum Legion sent one expedition after another into Syleus's Abyss, desperate to harness the dark power residing within. None were prepared to face the countless monsters roaming the passageways, nor navigate the labyrinth. Every expedition failed. Upon discovering Heliber, the Legion seized on the idea of using him to gain control over the Abyss. They eventually managed to capture him, imprisoning him in a stone casket. Yet even stone could not hold Heliber forever, and when he broke free of his prison, he was even stronger than before. The sole Arkeum Shadowmancer to survive the encounter called upon the specter Karnix for help.
Ahzreil, an Elder of the Sylavean Order, put a stop to the experiments and abandoned the monsters under the temple, sealing it away for good. Trapped with no others to prey upon, the monsters turned on each other, but King Chimaerus made short work of them all. According to one Shadowmancer's records, if King Chimaerus absorbs greater mana, it could transform into an even deadlier beast called Rex Chimaerus.
A creature of dark magic empowered by a Star Fragment, the Queen Ant instinctually defends her kingdom with ruthless ferocity. With each of the countless invaders she consumed, her magic grew, until at last, she took on a newer, deadlier form with a new name-Lequirus.
The giant orc King Verte was a powerful being created by dark magic but proved too uncontrollable to serve Arkeum as a weapon of war. Instead, Tuaren used King Verte's experiment as a template, ultimately creating an even more advanced weapon. Although smaller and more tempered, Duke Magna wields highly concentrated dark magic, making him more powerful and even more dangerous.
Ahzreil and his followers kidnapped a Light Elemental then carried out a dark ritual, and succeeded in corrupting it into a Dark Elemental. The corrupted elemental was bound but destroyed all that approached it. People eventually began calling the elemental Shaikal, after the legendary Dark Elemental.
A violent chieftain named Toublek of Saurodoma Island possesses the Reptilian gift of infinite regeneration and can even use sorcery, and thus cannot be killed by even the harshest of critical attacks. Once an elf wizard, Toublek turned into a reptilian due to an accident during an experiment. After entering Saurodoma Island, he kidnaps people to perform experiments so that he can return to his original form.
✦ 2 Star dungeons ✦
Even after suffering defeat at Butcher’s Canyon, the Arkeum Legion was pleased to witness Duke Magna’s capabilities. Seeking to develop an even stronger weapon, Tuaren dangerously experimented on the Duke once more to transform him into the all powerful Turka.
By engraving magic into his own body, Toublek obtained unimaginable power at the cost of his sanity. Meddling with wicked magical experiments to return to this original elvish form, he no longer remembers his past life and is now the merciless tyrant Kertaki. All he craves is more power. It is up to the Star-born to put an end to his bloodthirsty conquest.
Since their arrival in Solisium, Shaikal and his Diabolica minions have been slaughtering people in Solisium. The Dark Grand Elder Ahzreil desired to control and weaponize Shaikal through casting domination magic. Unfortunately, the monster absorbed his power and transformed into Shakarux, an ultimate being of darkness.
Gaitan sought revenge against humans for mistreating goblins. With the help of the dark elf Soleil, Gaitan gained strength beyond any ordinary goblin. With this new power, he waged a bloody war against humans. They say the blood shed during battle turned the sea around the island red. Gaitan named his new clan Bloodwave and continues to gain power, slaughtering every human he can. Now, the ambitious Red Goblin King aims to unite all goblin clans and take over the world.
The Arkeum Legion has teamed up with the Sylavean Order to create a torture chamber within the Shadow Crypt in order to extract vital information to crush the Resistance. Kaligras, the Arkeum Legion's chief torture technician assigned to the facility, always hides his face behind a dark mask. Behind this hideous mask lies a twisted desire that revels in gruesome murders and horrific screams.
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