


  • A town located in the south of the Laslan Dominion. In the past, when the Arkeum Legions marched south to conquer Solisium, the people fiercely resisted using this place as their last bastion. Lord Hobs of Laslan resisted Reville Lupius, who had usurped the throne, but his dominion was taken by the Arkeum Legion. Later, Kastleton was the first town to be liberated with the help of the Holy Knights and the Founder’s Order led by Captain Da Vinci. The Laslan Allied Resistance Forces were founded here, and Kastleton became the center of the Resistance.

    Kastleton is now a vibrant city with merchants ready to sell or trade, residents happy to offer information, and resistance soldiers protecting the peace.

  • This was once the most prosperous granary in Laslan, but after the cursed rain came, it became infested with strangely enlarged pests. People tried to solve the problem by employing the power of free wizards, but the free wizards’ clumsy magic only made things worse.

  • While you search for treasures hidden in ships wrecked by storms and chests that have been drifting, you will encounter the masters of the coastline. From a distance, they look like normal crustaceans. However, when you get close, you’ll find they pose a greater threat than you anticipated.

  • This vast plain used to be a landmark of the village before the pack of giant wolves appeared. Now, however, it has become a land that even experienced hunters fear. Those who trespass into the realm of savage beasts must prepare to face death.

  • It is said that the seeds of the flowers that grow jewels fell on an unnamed land a long time ago, and as time passed, that place became the beautiful field it is today. Goblins have occupied this mysterious land where gems are produced, and they do not hesitate to slaughter any human who would disturb them.

  • Long ago, the mages of Venelux built an observatory to watch the stars in the sky. But the Arkeum Legion destroyed the tower, leaving it in ruins. It is now being used as a base for those adventuring in the Urstella Fields, Carmine Forest, and the Nesting Grounds.

  • This once-green vast forest lost its vitality and withered to a darkish red, becoming what it is today. The forest belonged to the fierce Kalturan Orcs. However, when Morokai the Turncoat betrayed the clan in exchange for the doctrine of eternal life, this place fell into the hands of the Arkeum Legion.

    It is said that the Blood Spiders, who became the masters of Carmine Forest, capture any humans who set foot there and sacrifice them to someone.

    Carmine Forest belongs to the caretaker of spiders, Morokai the Turncoat. Explore carefully, as he has leached all vitality from the forest, he now lurks there with spiders and lust for eternal life.

    Since the forest into the hands of the Arkeum Legion, Mokokai has remained alone in the forest, living with giant spiders in an incomplete immortal body. The once lush forest has become a blackened forest of death.

  • Red flowers bloom across this beautiful meadow located between Laslan and Stonegard. However, contrary to its appearance, it is home to aggressive creatures such as Terror Birds and Quillixes, which is troubling for the merchants who pass through there.

  • This basin is home to the Fonos, one of the orc clans. The Fonos periodically host the Festival of Fire, where they seek the blessing of the fire god Flamakan to become more powerful.

  • Turayne was a town that thrived from trade. However, on the day of the funeral of the great wizard who had devoted his life to their town, the Sylavean Order's Shadowmancers attacked and waged a great war with the wizards gathered there. Now only the traces of the destroyed town and the zombies remain in the ruins.

  • The magical ritual of the Fonos orcs, the Festival of Fire, greatly amplifies their aggression. As a result, travelers passing through here were frequently killed by orcs. Saddened by their deaths, Lord Hobs built the Laslan Watcher’s Post on a hill overlooking the orc villages in order to prevent future loss of life.

  • When the war between the Sylavean Order and the Lightbringer Society ended, this place became a vast Land of the Dead. Venelux built the Purelight Tower on a hill in the center of the area and has been attempting to purify and heal the land for hundreds of years.

  • The war between the Lightbringer Society and the Sylavean Order turned the Temple of Light and Turayne Village into ruins haunted by zombies. In order to purify this land of darkness, the wizards of Venelux built the Purelight Tower atop a great Manastone.

  • Skeletons and Spectral Wizards in this area wander around the Shattered Temple every night. Rumor has it that they are in search of victims to sacrifice to the ruler of this place, Ahzreil, Grand Elder of the Sylavean Order.

  • The Dark Mage Greedal attempted the forbidden experiments, that resuscitates people with the four dark elements, on his disciples. As a result his deciples became Devoti called Lich, but lost themselves along with their memories.

    However, Syleus, the most powerful of them kept his sense of self intact. He escaped from Greedal’s grasp and ran away to the underground tomb of an ancient king to achieve perfection.

  • This place, once known as the Crypt of the Ancient King, started to be called Syleus's Abyss after Syleus, one of Greedal's five disciples, had gone into hiding here. He filled the tomb with Immorti and secluded himself in the depths.

  • Ancient king Cornelius met his end in the underground tomb with his faithful servants who protected him. The honorable soldiers slumbered by the king's side and continued their vigil, but Syleus' evil magic awakened them and turned them into mere guards against invaders.

  • The four Elders, who traveled to the Abyss at Greedal's behest, attempted to locate Syleus with their demonic powers, but were unsuccessful. Rumor has it that Syleus lurks in the depths of the Abyss, surrounded by strong barriers, but the truth is unknown.

  • This place, which was the tomb of high-ranking Shadowmancers of Sylaveth, is famous for bearing traces of the Grand Elder Belluatan, who researched the secrets of immortality. Even now, it serves as the main base of operations for the Sylavean Order. If they expand their influence, they will become a great threat to Laslan.


  • Stonegard Castle rests on a flat hillside, hewn down by thousands of stonemasons in Northwestern Central Stonegard. The hillside contains a complex maze of caves filled with basilisk nests and mandrakes. The masons who explored these caves never returned.

    The Castle is the keep where the family of the lord who ruled the Stonegard region lived for generations.

    The lord of Stonegard, Fernan, was famous for being a particularly harsh ruler. He would frequently order the death of castle workers, prompting many to flee for their lives. Fernans reign ended when the leader of the Stonegard Resistance, Jacque Hander, arrived. He and his allies drove Fernan from the castle.

    After the tyrannical Lord Fernan, who sided with the Arkeum Legion, was driven out by the Stonegard Resistance, the Guild came to rule the castle - having proved their worth through fair competition. On the other hand, there is a rumour of a dangerous forbidden temple somewhere in Stonegard Castle.

  • The Titanreach Ruins are all that remains of a temple where colossal ancient beings were created, but look closer and you may find everything is not what it seems.

    The Head of the Stonemasons’ Association, Sienna Parsons, who was trying to end Fernan’s tyranny, found out about the power sealed in the Titanreach ruins.

    As a former wizard of Venelux, she awakened the sealed power with the Golem’s Heart that she had acquired on an adventure with her companions, and crafted a Giant Golem that was decisive in ousting Fernan.

  • Cursed rains contaminated the water, creating the Monolith Wastelands which resulted in a desert populated with Sand Cobras and carnivorous plants.

    This place was the largest granary in the center of Stonegard, where there was an underground reservoir that spanned the entire Dominion. However, one day, the cursed rain fell and the water source was polluted. And so, the wizards of Venelux cut off the water supply with a giant monolithic boulder to prevent contamination from spreading. Ever since then, the area has become barren and turned into the desert it is today.

  • Some of the Survivors who fled Stonegard Castle came back to Vienta Village to follow Jacque Hander.

    Now with a huge guild backing him, Jacque Hander joined forces with Sienna Parsons and the Stonegard Resistance was born here.

  • The Moonlight Oasis, located in the very center of the Moonlight Desert, was formed by powerful archwizard Soren Warnach.

    In the past, the oasis drew in many tourists, but current visitors to the area are primarily interested in gathering Moonlight Scales from nearby creatures.

  • In the rocky terrain to the northwest of Stonegard, there is a path formed by a giant sandworm passing through the rocks. We should be cautious, as there have been frequent reports of missing adventurers here recently.

  • Wizards combating the dark magic built a Barrier Magic Circle at the Sanctum of Desire, resulting in a sudden appearance of a waterfall.

    This resulted in the creation of a small pond with water pristine enough to drink. Naturally, it became a place of respite for desert merchants, as well as geographers and archaeologists during their expeditions.

  • Here lies the impregnable fortress guarded by giant ants. Even the magical forces of Arkeum could not occupy this place.

    There is a legend that says the very same power which made Stonegard barren created a giant and cruel Queen ant.

  • Fernan ignored the mason’s warnings and dug deeply into the earth to get the Brown Mica, allowing monsters sealed underground to emerge. Brown Mica was found in the village of the stonemasons, gathered to build Stonegard Castle.

  • It may look ordinary, but it is a dangerous area where many adventurers lose their lives due to attacks from demons and monsters. Merchants in this area are especially cautious about Malakar, who is said to be the eye of Junobote.

  • This place used to be a rich forest where elves and mitrans lived.

    The elves invited humans into their domain. But the humans, blinded by greed, started a war and ultimately torched the forest, reducing it to the wasteland it is today.

  • The huge shipwreck visible from the Dawn Cliffs is a constant reminder of a dead pirate king’s greed. The wreckage’s enormous hull and broad, torn red sails tell of the former glory of the ship’s captain Pirate King Adelico.

  • The Akidu Clan of orcs takes their name from their home in the Akidu Valley. They once tried to unify the other orc clans but ultimately betrayed them all.

    The Akidu orcs made a pact with Kazar’s Arkeum Legion. This alliance resulted in mass devestation and thrown the world into chaos.

  • People started to call this settlement the Canina Village, celebrating the fangs they looted from lycans they battled in this place long ago.

    Currently, the Stonegard Allied Resistance forces are using it as a stronghold to block invasions by the Akidu Clan.

  • The lycans of Grayclaw Forest were not initially hostile to humans. But some foolish settlers attempted to take sacred lycan ancestral land. They also tried to destroy the sacred “Moon Monuments”, theyr source of power for generations. Since then, the lycans become openly hostile.

  • At the cliffs beside Stonegard Castle, there is a huge underground temple built long ago. Before the war with the Lightbringer Society, it was the largest Temple of Sylaveth in Aelon.

    The great war with the Lightbringer Society resulted in the deaths of most of the Shadowmancers here. Now, only a few surviving followers remain to roam the halls.

  • Enter the Sanctum of Desire dungeon where you must defeat the four altars representing Flame, Tsunami, Typhoon, and Earthquake in order to discover who you must truly battle.

    Junobote, who took the throne as the Grand Elder of Sylaveth after acquiring great knowledge through endlessly asking questions, headed for the Sanctum of Desire to summon the Demon of Knowledge from Diaboloca. No records show that he made it out alive.

  • Saurodoma Island is a vulcanic island beyond Daybreak Shore. This island, barely visible beyond the Daybreak Shore, is littered with shipwrecks and is also home to the Saurodoma Clan.

    Home to the Lizard Tribe, the island grows many poisonous flowers that the lizards consume, giving them resistance to poison. The North region features the Lake of Regeneration, while the South is home to the Crater of Death and a tribe of ferocious lizards.

    Members of the lizard clan are rarely seen on the mainland, preferring to reside in their secluded island home. They thoroughly reject incursions by outsiders.

    After a powerful chieftain appeared, the Lizard Tribe became military organized and the island became their stronghold. Recently there have been many deaths and disappearances around the island due to Lizard attacks.


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