Collection of helpful sites and channels
Official websites
❈Throne and Liberty (AGS)
❈Throne and Liberty (NCSOFT)Official Youtube channels
❈Throne and Liberty | Youtube (EN)
❈Throne and Liberty | Youtube (KOR)Help and support
❈ Throne and liberty support
❈ Current known issuesOfficial discord server
❈ Throne and Liberty | DiscordOfficial social media
❈ Throne and Liberty | Twitter/X
❈ Throne and Liberty | Instagram
❈ Throne and Liberty | Facebook -
Info from the official website
❈ Server status
❈ Twitch drops
❈ Code redeem
❈ Loot distribution rules
❈ Combat manuals
❈ Endgame activities
❈ Battlepass FAQRoadmaps
❈ 2024 RoadmapDungeons
❈ About dungeons
❈ 2 Star Dungeons -
General useful websites
❈ Maxroll | Throne and Liberty
❈ Questlog | Throne and Liberty
❈ Gameslantern | Throne and Liberty
❈ Game 8 | Throne and Liberty
❈ Throne and Liberty Codex
❈ Throne and Liberty Database
❈ Throne and Liberty OnlineHelpful channels
❈ Freshy | Youtube
❈ Nova Gaming | Youtube
❈ The Whelps | Youtube
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