Start the new year in style. This new Battle Pass features the Violetta outfit, Jungle Buddy Talem Amitoi, Flos Ferthur Glide Morph, Sleepy Gesture, Lie on Side Pose, and more.
Want even more unique rewards for completing seasonal challenges? The Battle Pass is an optional seasonal purchase that can turn your accomplishments into new cosmetics, crafting materials, items, and various in-game currency. Each Battle Pass features a free track and a premium track that can be unlocked with Lucent. Look forward to new spoils every season.
Learn more about the Battle Pass below, discover every featured reward in our video showcase, and then explore answers to your most common questions.
The Violetta’s Star Battle Pass is available now through February 13, 2 p.m. PT. There are desirable rewards at every level, but the most ambitious adventurers will strive to achieve max level (level 50) for the following loot.
Level 1 (Premium Track): Jungle Buddy Talem Amitoi
Level 10 (Premium Track): Flos Ferthur Glide Morph
Level 20 (Free Track): Gesture: Sleepy
Level 31 (Premium Track): Pose: Lie on Side
Level 50 (Premium Track): Violetta outfit
Don’t forget to use your Star Crystals for valuable items in the Violetta’s Star Point Shop. As you progress your Battle Pass, you’ll earn Star Crystals as free rewards at levels 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35, and 45. Additional Battle Pass experience upon reaching level 50 will be converted into Star Crystals. Be advised, at the end of the Battle Pass season, your Star Crystals will turn into Quality Recovery Crystals.
Here are some of the featured items from the Violetta’s Star Point Shop.
Rare Rune Category Selection Chest
Precious Processed Gem Selection Chest
Trait Extraction and Conversion Stones
Extra Resistance Contracts
Dimensional Contract Tokens (Type I and II)
Abyssal Contract Tokens
Skill Conversion Books
Trait Unlock Stones
Precious Parchment
and more!
After completing the tutorial, the premium track can be purchased with Lucent from the Battle Pass screen. Launch THRONE AND LIBERTY, and once in-game navigate to the Battle Pass section of the in-game menu to purchase the premium track from there. If you need Lucent, it can be purchased from the in-game store.
Players can complete daily, weekly, and ongoing seasonal challenges to progress their Battle Pass. Additionally, players can purchase up to 49 levels with Lucent. Levels purchased beyond the max are converted to Star Crystals.
No! Daily quests are granted each day throughout the season and “banked.” That means you can complete as many as you have available upon log in.
The Battle Pass Point Shop is accessible to all players as soon as you gain Battle Pass Shop Points. The shop contains various rewards and offers, including items to help with progression. Once a character achieves the maximum Battle Pass level, all subsequent Battle Pass experience will be converted into Battle Pass Shop Points.
Generally everything is purchasable for all players. There my be items, typically cosmetic, that are gated behind the premium purchase.
Yes! When you purchase the premium track you'll receive all of the rewards up to your current Battle Pass level retroactively.
Yes! If you don’t purchase the premium track you’ll still earn a reward for every completed level on the free track.
Yes! Everyone that plays THRONE AND LIBERTY can make progress and earn rewards on the free track.
After a Battle Pass ends, many of its rewards will become unobtainable. However, for a limited time you’ll have a grace period to claim some of the free and paid track rewards you might have missed.
Yes! After a Battle Pass ends you will still be able to claim any earned rewards from that Battle Pass. These items can be found in the Battle Pass menu. Select the tab of the previous season to claim your items. You will have until the end of the following Battle Pass to claim them.
- The Battle Pass progression and non-cosmetic rewards are character specific.
- Battle Pass Rewards can be earned and claimed once per character.
- If you transfer your character to another server, battle pass progress will transfer with the character.
- Cosmetic rewards are account wide. Once they are claimed on any of your characters, they’ll be available to all of your characters.
No, the Battle Pass is character specific and can only be accessed on your character’s platform.
Progress cannot be made on a Battle Pass once the season ends.
Thanks for your support and we’ll see you in Solisium!